Wednesday, July 18, 2001

San Francisco

Got back last night from a 5-day trip to San Francisco. What a beautiful city. Even more do I like the drive up Interstate 5 from LA. Once you hit Kettleman City these golden hills roll up against this clear blue sky that's breathtaking. Took a bunch of photos with the PB. I love that camera, I enjoy snapping indiscriminately. Finally posted some new photos to the gallery. I was taking photos while driving back home of the hills. I did notice that the winder seemed much harder to turn. Perhaps sweaty hands, or the one handed turn. It seems that at the end of my 24 exposure roll of Fuji film it was not turning as easily. I wonder if the camera is getting old. Or maybe it's the film?? I usually use Kodak. That's OK. My film counter is cracked, has been since my trip to Taos, New Mexico. Camera still works fine though, still the first set of batteries!